Saturday, August 7, 2010

oye PEERS ...u know!!! A HisToRical RETROSPECT--->

 A miraculaous incident croppd up and inundated d heartz f zillionz f folks an eon back,precisely, 22 yrz rearward..der ws a harmony n a feel f accomplishment resonated thru d hearts f doctorz n nurse, thru out the nooks and crannys of the world...perhaps, Nannys ran wid lofty vigor  2 mollycoddle a baby....naah a rockstar!!!!

Every gal baby awaited for diz euphoric juncture to happen...a women, synonymous 2 a diva struglled to let her feat act against gravity.
 Sun shining high,trees whistlin to d breezy wind,presumably,makin d planet adorable,even to miscreantz nd misanthropes...  Tantalizin aroma of perspiration(lol) tricklin down d glossy skin of  d mother,acquisce to d joyous heat of rapture.Apparently, d world z gonna envisage a supernatural outburst(:P), widn a brink of secondz...

Finally, after shrillin moments of anticipation , a charmy brood  cum champ nipped out of d womb, ready to detach from d shelter f fleshy celluloid woven in its creator, the "momy"...He jerkd out wid an aid from d hands of doctors, nurses smooched to his cheeks,he blinked an eye at nurses..."alas!!!He started his business @ dat moment tself "...Gal babiez waved der fists to-and-fro from der rim resemblin d lips, literally a lovely kiss was  on d air ....

U myt b wonderin about dis amazin creature who embarked a glimpse nd spark of sumptuous feeling, by d birth....Indeed, D date f his commencing deeds ws on d 8th day f d majestic august!!!:P....Don't 4get !!! tz bettr 4 u 2 wish him on dat awful n splendid occasion !!!!...By the way his name z "mukhil", d great ......MiNd IT??....Eppa enna BuILd UP!!!,...Danku 4 patiently readin dis passage full f  nonseNSE!!!...BuT Diz Guy Iz full of SENSE ryt????....self-boasting unbridled!!!!!,,,,:P...jzt kiddn

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